Edd Byrnes Net Worth 2024

Publish date: 2024-05-14


Edd Byrnes, a renowned American actor, was a prominent figure in the entertainment industry. He was best known for his role as Kookie in the television series “77 Sunset Strip.” Despite his passing in 2020, his legacy continues to be a topic of interest, particularly his net worth. This article will delve into the projected net worth of Edd Byrnes in 2024, considering his past earnings, assets, and investments.

Estimated Net Worth:$5 million
Age at Death:87
Born:July 30, 1932
Country of Origin:United States
Source of Wealth:Actor, Singer

Edd Byrnes’ Early Life and Career

Edd Byrnes was born Edward Byrne Breitenberger in New York City. He had a challenging childhood, which he overcame to become a successful actor. His career took off with his role in “77 Sunset Strip,” which made him a household name. He also had a successful singing career, with his single “Kookie, Kookie, Lend Me Your Comb” reaching the top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100.

Acting Career and Earnings

Byrnes’ acting career spanned several decades, with roles in both television and film. His earnings from these roles contributed significantly to his net worth. He also earned from his singing career, with his records selling well.

Television Earnings

Byrnes’ role in “77 Sunset Strip” was his most notable television role. He also appeared in other popular shows, earning a substantial income from his television appearances.

Film Earnings

Byrnes also had a successful film career, with roles in films like “Grease” and “Any Gun Can Play.” His film earnings added to his wealth.

Singing Career and Earnings

Byrnes’ singing career was another significant source of his income. His single “Kookie, Kookie, Lend Me Your Comb” was a hit, and he earned royalties from its sales.

Assets and Investments

Byrnes’ wealth was not only from his earnings but also from his assets and investments. He owned a house in California, and he also had investments in stocks and bonds.

Real Estate

Byrnes owned a house in California, which is a significant asset. The value of this property has likely increased over the years, contributing to his net worth.


Byrnes also had investments in stocks and bonds. These investments likely grew over time, adding to his wealth.

Charitable Donations

Byrnes was known for his charitable work. He donated to various causes, which may have reduced his net worth but also enhanced his legacy.

Expenses and Debts

Like anyone else, Byrnes had expenses and possibly debts. These would have reduced his net worth.

Living Expenses

Byrnes’ living expenses, including the cost of maintaining his house, would have been a significant expense.

Possible Debts

It’s possible that Byrnes had debts, which would have reduced his net worth. However, the details of any debts he may have had are not publicly known.

Edd Byrnes’ Net Worth in 2024

Considering all these factors, it’s estimated that Edd Byrnes’ net worth in 2024 would be around $5 million. This estimate takes into account his past earnings, assets, and investments, as well as possible expenses and debts.


Edd Byrnes was a successful actor and singer, with a career that spanned several decades. His earnings from his acting and singing careers, along with his assets and investments, contributed to his wealth. Despite his passing in 2020, his legacy continues to be a topic of interest. It’s estimated that his net worth in 2024 would be around $5 million, reflecting his successful career and wise investments.
